This public deliverable reports the first test and experiments carried out on the CASOH pilot, which was built at the GasLab site of the ArcerlorMittal R&D – in their plant in Asturias (Spain) – to test at TRL7 the CASOH process (“Calcium Assisted Steel-mill Off-gas Hydrogen production”) under development by the C4U project to decarbonise Blast Furnace Gases (BFG). This report spans from the end of the commissioning works marked by D2.4 (Factory acceptance test results of the CASOH pilot) to the beginning of September 2024.  

During this time, the C4U Project has achieved some key milestones: 

  • Complete, safe and successful operation of the TRL7 CASOH pilot for the first time, accumulating 550h of valuable operation experience using a first batch of 200 kg of well mixed Ca and Cu commercial solid particles – to undertake, under dynamic conditions, a first demonstration of all the CASOH reactions stages.  
  • First decarbonisation of real BFG, producing a H2-rich fuel product gas with over 40%v H2 and less than 1% CO2 (when correcting for the N2 safety flow used to protect preheater) from the CASOH reaction stage.  
  • First validation of the CASOH reactor models with experimental data obtained at TRL7, providing confidence for reactor and process scale-up (to be further validated during the remaining test planned until the end of the project).