This deliverable compiles the thermodynamic analysis of the two selected processes of the H2020 C4U project and their effect on energy and environmental performance.
The analysis is carried out under a set of common key performance indicators (KPIs) aiming to compare the new technologies with respect to existing benchmark processes that are based on solvent CO2 separation. In the case of the Calcium Assisted Steel-mill Off-gas Hydrogen (CASOH), the comparison is carried out with respect with pre-combustion capture. The high-temperature sorption-displacement process for CO2 recovery (DISPLACE) process is studied using flue gases from different part of the steel mill and therefore the CO2 capture used as reference is a post-combustion plant. In the case of DISPLACE and the benchmark post-combustion CO2 capture technology, the study is carried out neglecting the techno-economic implications related to the modifications needed to be implemented in the still mill, such as oxy-fired units, larger ASUs, etc.
The performance of the plant with respect to the benchmark technologies is carried out in terms of energy conversion using the specific primary energy consumption for CO2 avoidance (SPECCA) and CO2 capture rate. The CASOH process is not compared from an economic point of view since the CAPEXs of the plant haven’t been estimated yet and will be included in the D3.5. The DISPLACE process is already developed and therefore the process has been compared also from an economic point of view.
In the analysis carried out, the CO2 transport and storage have been neglected. Therefore, the CO2 avoidance just refers to externalities of the plant and does not include the costs and the CO2 emissions related to the transport and storage.