
D3.4 Parametric performance of the C4U technologies for the cluster optimization

D3.4 Parametric performance of the C4U technologies for the cluster optimization

This deliverable compiles the thermodynamic analysis of the two selected processes of the H2020 C4U project and their effect on energy and environmental performance.  The analysis is carried out under a set of common key performance indicators (KPIs) aiming to compare the new technologies with respect to existing benchmark processes that are based on solvent CO2 separation. In the case of the Calcium Assisted Steel-mill Off-gas Hydrogen (CASOH), the comparison is carried out with respect with...

D2.4 Factory acceptance test results of the CASOH pilot

D2.4 Factory acceptance test results of the CASOH pilot

The CASOH process under development in the C4U project is based on a high-temperature solid looping system. This process uses packed-bed technology combined with pressure and temperature swing stages. In the CASOH reaction stage, the Cu-based material catalyzes the water-gas-shift (WGS) reaction of the CO contained in the BFG with steam, whereas the CaO-based material reacts with the CO2 present in the inlet BFG and the CO2 generated in the WGS reaction. As a result, a decarbonized fuel gas...

Experimental Proof of Concept of Blast Furnace Gas Decarbonisation via CASOH Process

Experimental Proof of Concept of Blast Furnace Gas Decarbonisation via CASOH Process

Publication: Experimental Proof of Concept of Blast Furnace Gas Decarbonisation via CASOH Process 2022. Grasa, C. Navarro,  J. R. Fernández, , M. Diaz, M. Alonso, A. Amieiro, S. Poultson, J. Brandt, J. C. Abanades. Experimental Proof of Concept of Blast Furnace Gas Decarbonisation via CASOH Process. Proceedings of the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-16) 23-24 Oct 2022. October 2022, Lyon, France. Grasa et al presented ‘Experimental proof of concept of Blast Furnace...

D4.11 Method to address technology scaling

D4.11 Method to address technology scaling

This report describes a methodology developed to aid modelling the inventory data for the C4U CASOH and DISPLACE capture technologies, at high TRL for a prospective life cycle assessment (LCA). The methodology includes the modelling of process changes, scaling, and synergies as well as industrial learning and external development.  Expert inputs is used to obtain a robust and realistic inventory, specifically in relation to (1) the changes in process integration due to transition to high TRL,...

D6.4 Report describing business model innovation framework design and scenario-analysis results

D6.4 Report describing business model innovation framework design and scenario-analysis results

Adopting carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) to decarbonize the Energy-Intensive Industry (EII) is necessary to respond to climate change mitigation targets. However, and while necessary, CCUS is also a challenging technological choice. CCUS comes with uncertainties regarding high upfront investments, monetization challenges, cost avoidance business models conditioning, its commercial readiness, technological lock-in, the liability of CO2 captured, risks involved in failing to...

D4.8. Report on techno-economic evaluation of the  2030 North Sea Port cluster

D4.8. Report on techno-economic evaluation of the 2030 North Sea Port cluster

To achieve a 40% (minimum) reduction in industrial CO2 emissions in the European Union (EU) in line with the Paris agreement, Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) remains a key technology to adopt - especially in carbon-intensive sectors. A key challenge in its implementation, however, lies in the optimal planning and design, and also right-sizing of such infrastructure, given regional decarbonisation targets. This report outlines the assumptions, methodology and results obtained for...

D5.3 Report on comparative analysis of industrial CCUS policy instrumentation.

D5.3 Report on comparative analysis of industrial CCUS policy instrumentation.

The European Commission sees CCUS as a strategic technology, among other mitigation technology options (European Commission, 2023a). To align with the Paris Agreement, Europe will need Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) to achieve a 55% reduction in emissions by 2030. However, the role Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) will play in industrial decarbonisation by 2030 deservers further policy attention (ZEP, 2020). Adopting particular technological approaches to decarbonise the industry comes...

D2.6 Experimental results of alternative reactor schemes for CASOH process

D2.6 Experimental results of alternative reactor schemes for CASOH process

This public deliverable D2.6 is part of work package 2 of the C4U project (1). The main objective in WP2 is the experimental demonstration at TRL7 of the CASOH process (“Calcium Assisted Steel mill Off-gas Hydrogen production”). This process is a CO2 capture technology designed to produce H2 and heat from steel mill off-gases that contain CO, such as blast furnace gas (BFG), which is today a major source of carbon (in the form of CO and CO2) in integrated steel mills.   This deliverable...

The Ca-Cu looping process using natural CO2 sorbents in a packed bed: Operation strategies to accommodate activity decay

The Ca-Cu looping process using natural CO2 sorbents in a packed bed: Operation strategies to accommodate activity decay

The Ca-Cu looping process is a promising CO2 capture technology designed to produce H2 and power from a fuel gas. The use of inexpensive and widely available limestone would facilitate the scale up of this technology. This work proposes a novel strategy for packed-bed Ca-Cu looping processes consisting of loading the sufficient amount of CuO to calcine only a well-defined fraction of CaCO3 in every cycle during the transient period until the limestone reaches a residual solid conversion of...

Puncture Failure Size Probability Distribution for CO2 Pipelines

Puncture Failure Size Probability Distribution for CO2 Pipelines

The safe operation of pressurised CO2 pipelines is key to the success of Carbon Capture and Storage as a viable means for tackling global warming. However, given their relatively small number currently in operation, the confident prediction of their puncture size failure probability and how it compares with hydrocarbon pipelines are fundamentally important questions that must be resolved. This paper presents the development and application of a robust statistical analytical technique for the...

Multi-objective economic and environmental assessment for the preliminary design of CO2 transport pipelines

Multi-objective economic and environmental assessment for the preliminary design of CO2 transport pipelines

A methodology based on the multi-objective optimisation of economic and environmental aspects is presented to support the preliminary design of CO2 transport pipelines employed as part of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) systems. Pareto optimal design solutions are determined for a realistic point-to-point CO2 pipeline using Level Diagrams and choosing the Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) as a decision variable. A quantitative procedure entailing the definition of economic and environmental key...

Blast furnace gas decarbonisation through Calcium Assisted Steel‐mill Off‐gas Hydrogen production. Experimental and modelling approach

Blast furnace gas decarbonisation through Calcium Assisted Steel‐mill Off‐gas Hydrogen production. Experimental and modelling approach

The Calcium Assisted Steel-mill Off-gas Hydrogen production process (CASOH) is able to upgrade and decarbonise blast furnace gases (BFG), which is the main source of CO2 emissions in integrated steel making plants. The three main reaction stages of the process (i.e. H2 production via calcium-assisted water-gas-shift of BFG, Cu oxidation and CO2 sorbent regeneration) have been investigated in a lab-scale fixed bed reactor, using readily available functional materials (i.e. a commercial Cu-based...


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