This public deliverable D2.6 is part of work package 2 of the C4U project (1). The main objective in WP2 is the experimental demonstration at TRL7 of the CASOH process (“Calcium Assisted Steel mill Off-gas Hydrogen production”). This process is a CO2 capture technology designed to produce H2 and heat from steel mill off-gases that contain CO, such as blast furnace gas (BFG), which is today a major source of carbon (in the form of CO and CO2) in integrated steel mills.  

This deliverable presents the results from the investigations of two reactor systems of potential use to decarbonize steel-mill off gases using high temperature solid looping cycles. These approaches represent alternative reactor schemes and heat management strategies in respect to the CASOH process adopted for demonstration at TRL7, as part of WP2 of the C4U project.