Media outreach has been a key priority throughout the lifetime of the C4U project. Achievement of the C4U project’s impacts depends on the project’s research and findings being exploited to the full extent and disseminated to relevant stakeholders. Media outreach is a crucial avenue through which to achieve this.
Throughout its lifetime, the C4U Consortium has achieved a long history of impactful media activity, engaging with a wide array of mainstream and specialized media across Europe.
Pieces authored by C4U researchers:
Op-ed by C4U researcher Irina Kustova (CEPS), in Carbon Pulse: ‘COMMENT: US-EU negotiations on sustainable steel and aluminium showed little progress… so, what’s left for EU’s industry?’.
Op-ed by C4U researcher Moisés Covarrubias (Raboud University), in Euractiv: ‘CCUS: Do Europe’s citizens have a say?’.
Interviews to C4U researchers:
- Boutsma, E. (2021): ‘Heleen de Coninck: “People only believe that there is a problem if there is also a solution”’. C2W | Mens & Molecule. Interview to C4U researcher Heleen de Coninck (Radboud, C4U WP5). Available at: Heleen de Coninck: ‘People only believe that there is a problem if there is also a solution’ | Floor | ScienceLink
- Schut, G. (2021): ‘Techniek is niet de oplossing’. Interview to C4U researcher Heleen de Coninck (Radboud, C4U WP5). Available at:
- Nvde (2021): ‘Heleen de Coninck, Eindhoven University of Technology: Making industry more sustainable now, but together with local residents’. NVDE. Interview to C4U researcher Heleen de Coninck (Radboud, C4U WP5). Available at:
- van Pelt (2021): ‘Societal consequences will also be addressed in Glasgow’. Vox. Interview to C4U researcher Vincent de Gooyert (Radboud, C4U WP5). Available at:
- Cassauwers, T. (2023). ‘European steel industry seeks green credentials to match its economic, political weight’. Horizon: the EU Research & Innovation Magazine. Interview to C4U researcher Richard Porter (UCL, C4U WP1). Available at:
C4U featured:
C4U has been featured in the following journalistic pieces:
- ER (2020) ‘40 proyectos europeos sobre energía sostenible en los que el CSIC tiene mucho que aportar’. Energías Renovables. Available at:
- García, M. (2020). ‘Kick-off meeting of the C4U project (Advanced Carbon Capture for Steel Industries Integrated in CCUS Clusters)’. IEAGHG Blog. Available at:
- Matthis, S. (2020). ‘Nytt projekt för reducerade CO2-emissioner från värmningsugnar’. Metaller och Gruvor. Available at:
- van Pelt, S. (2021). ‘Ook de maatschappelijke gevolgen van klimaatmaatregelen komen in Glasgow aan bod’. Vox. Available at:
- Castaño, P. (2022). ‘La captura de CO2 en la siderurgia para generar hidrógeno se ensayará este año en Gijón’. La Nueva España. Available at:
- García Pastor, E. M. (2022). ‘Nuevas patentes para nuevas energías’. CSIC Investiga. Available at: Climate Strategies – CSIC_INVESTIGA_03_ENERGIA_01_22-1.pdf – All Documents (
- Ledesma, M. (2022). ‘Capturar el CO2 para reutilizarlo en la industria o almacenarlo bajo tierra’. CSIC Investiga. Available at:
- Lundqvist, M., Cobden, P. (2022). ‘Second half of the game for CO2 storage project’. Swerim. Available at:
- Barbiroglio, E. (2023). ‘ANALYSIS: EU-US cleaner steel deal to be postponed until after elections amid rules friction’. Carbon Pulse. Available at:
- Carbon Capture Journal (2023). ‘Achieving emissions reduction targets in the iron and steel industry using CCUS’. Carbon Capture Journal, Issue 94, July/Aug 2023, pg. 20-22. Available at:
- Cassauwers, T. (2023). ‘European steel industry seeks green credentials to match its economic, political weight’. Horizon: the EU Research & Innovation Magazine. Available at:
- Castaño, P. (2023). ‘La planta piloto de ArcelorMittal, lista para capturar CO2 y generar hidrógeno este verano’. Levante: El mercantil valenciano. Available at:
- Buchsbaum, L. M. (2024). ‘Europe formally embraces Carbon Capture as a climate tool: But is the public aware?’. Energy Transition: The Global Energiewende. Available at:
This report summarises and analyses the media outreach undertaken as part of the C4U project. Through these activities, we have aimed to raise the public profile of the C4U findings and engage a wide audience on the questions at stake in this project.