News & Events
New D6.2 Report summarises CCUS learnings from the UK
This Deliverable (D6.2) summarises the outcomes from the second task conducted within WP6 that aimed to investigate UK progress on CCUS and UK...
C4U at UCL Summer School
Richard Porter and Elena Catalanotti from UCL recently presented the C4U project to students as part of the 2021 UCL Summer School. You can watch...
Challenges and opportunities of achieving European CO2 transportation and storage specifications for carbon capture in the iron and steel industry
The application of CCS in the iron and steel industry faces particular challenges for achieving European CO2 transportation and storage in meeting...
New paper: A green COVID-19 recovery of the EU basic materials sector
A new Climate Policy Journal paper explores climate-friendly projects that could be part of the COVID-19 recovery while jump-starting the transition...
C4U guest lecture in the UKCCSRC Summer webinar series
By Richard Porter, University College London On April 29th, Haroun Mahgerefteh and Paul Cobden made a presentation in the weekly Guest Lectures...
Unlocking successful CCUS business model innovation
By Amelia Mitchell, Element Energy Under Work Package 6, we explore the long-term business models for successful CCUS (carbon capture, utilisation,...
Bilateral meeting between C4U and REALISE CCUS Horizon 2020 projects
By Richard Porter, University College London The C4U and REALISE Horizon 2020 consortia held their first bilateral meeting on the 12th April to...
A Ca-Cu Chemical Loop Process for CO2 Capture in Steel Mills: System Performance Analysis
The conceptual design and modelling of the Calcium Assisted Steel-mill Off-gas Hydrogen (CASOH) process for the conversion of blast furnace gas...
International Workshop on CO2 Capture and Utilization
On the 16th and 17th of February 2021, the C4U Project participated in the International Workshop on CO2 Capture and Utilization hosted virtually by...
A Trans-European CO2 Transportation Infrastructure for CCUS: Opportunities & Challenges
The C4U Project coordinator, Prof. Haroun Mahgerefteh of University College London co-lead the Zero Emissions Platform report: 'A Trans-European CO2...
Making the people part of CCS: The C4U Project
As part of CCS Talks: Transborder opportunities and challenges for CCUS projects on 16 November 2020, Heleen de Coninck, Radboud University,...